I had at one time a horrible rodent problem! The rodents chewed up the wiring harness to my genset! I've tried everything suggested on RV.Net and was successful with three Peppermint Oil, Steel Wool and Pestchaser Pro. I quit using Peppermint Oil due to it was too much work constantly soaking the cotton balls in all the nooks and crannies in a RV. The Pestchaser Pro made by Victor is a electronic device 10 times larger then those small electronic devices that you plug into a wall outlet! It kind of resembles a small boom box! Lastly, I used #00 Course Steel Wool! I used cases of this stuff and packed it tightly behind every drawer and runway that I could get too in my RV. I can honestly tell you that I haven't had any rodents in my RV since, and it's been several years now! I went all out because I don't want anymore $1,000.00 repairs due to rodents. I finally got real aggressive with them! Good Luck