Hi JD,
Thanks for the reply, I'm pretty sure traveling that short distance did it. We were not going over 20mph but I realize that's a lot of wt. for 1 tire and 3 miles on the interstate. Maybe I should have refused to drive on it? AAA was paying for schwab to drive to me so that wouldn't have mattered. The tires are 2011 so it's not an out dated thing and they only had maybe 4000 miles in them. After the inner blowout the outside tire made it around 1500 miles before going south. The tire shop said it was probably heat and it was over 100 for the last 600 miles. I hear you on the spare. I should have one I just can't figure out where to put it. No room underneath. Might be able to rig something in the back but I need to keep the hitch clear.
Oh, one more thing. You mentioned cause of the blowout. The tire was low before we left. I aired it up and it must have lost pressure along the way. Schwab said a low tire creates heat and causes it to separate, so I'm assuming that's what happened.