Flanz wrote:
You may or may not like any of the answers given to you, but the real answer is to weigh your coach - all four corners and if you can weigh the whole rig and each axle. This should be done with your rig setup as if you were going on a "normal" trip. Once done, you'll have your answer. No if and's or but's about it.
You mention this "300lbs" and a "light" coach. Well, guess what, weighing your coach will confirm this. Do yourself a favor - go weigh your coach.
Where does one weigh their coach? I assure you I can afford it. Unless of course Dennis wants to start a fund to help me out. And the 300-400# variances are on Goodyears's grid. That's the difference in weight at the wheel from 75-85 psi for my tires. I didn't make that up and weighing wouldn't have told me that. Weighing will tell me where I fall, but the weight ranges are what they are.