Effy wrote:
I guess I have very little unsprung weight (unless that's backward). So my spring compression is minimal and rebound fast and hard. = harsh road feedback. I thought about spring compression kit but that thought is about as far as my meager knowledge of suspension systems will carry me. Airbags?
Unsprung weight is correct. The ratio of unsprung weight relative to total weight has an impact on the ride quality. It could be that your axles may be oversized/heavy compared to the weight you are carrying. Something else you mentioned compression vs rebound, Koni shocks have very low compression damping and very high rebound damping. That may be something of benefit to try soften the blow, but still control that axle movement. I'll be honest, I have mixed feelings about recommending Koni. While many here have been very pleased with Koni, you can not count on them for warranty support. Warranty is through the local dealer. I bought 1 set of shocks directly from Koni, and they are refusing to even consider warranty. The second set, I bought through Country Coach who is out of business. Koni effectively stated that if the dealer is out of business, then you loose your warranty.