This is exactly the way Triptek programs their tire pressure sensors in my RV. It's based on temperature and pressure so if the temperature rises, the TPMS system calls for higher pressures in the tires. The base temperature is at 65 degrees.
I love the system because it tells me if I'm above or below the ideal pressure and I can inflate my tires at any time. I just turn to the proper tire screen and fill or release as needed. That's a huge benefit for me. I don't have to wait until morning to inflate my tires. I can inflate them first thing in the morning, at noon when the sun is shining on them or after skidding to a halt in 100 degree weather. It doesn't matter. My TPMS calculates it for me.
Once you've had the pleasure of getting the heat adjusted tire pressures, you won't want to go back to the old way of checking pressures in the morning only.