Forum Discussion

mookie6's avatar
Mar 01, 2015

Tires. How old is to old

My tires on the wini 34ft are now at 7 years. Never kept them covered and always outside. Any Idea when to replace them. Thanks
  • Forgot to add, keep the old tires and sell them. 19.5" are what a lot of what the flat bed wreckers use and if they are 22" the independent trucks will take them off your hands. If you can get $50 per tire $300 is good bit of fuel and CG fees.
  • There are those who poo poo the age thing but it looks like we're all in agreement so far on this thread. :) I'm sure that could change in a heart beat.
    But I subscribe to the 7year theory. It hurt a lot to replace my last set, perfect sidewalls and well over half thread. But I feel better about it now and the pain of the expense has passed.
  • It all depends on how brave you are. Well maybe we should say lucky. I bought an 14 yr old 5er and it had the original Marathons on it. During our bargaining I told the owner that it would need new tires on it she said well, we have never had any trouble with them! :)
  • Many years ago I had a motorhome with excellent looking rubber on the tires, about 8 years old, always covered when not in use. I blew a rear tire in nowhere Colorado. Limped into a town miles away on one dually. It did minor body damage. On the way home later the other dually blew. Probably because of the stress from the 30 mile drive unsupported. This time it took out some wire, the wheel well, and some outside fiberglass. I now change all my tires every 6 to 7 years no matter what. Call it insurance. Expensive insurance, the last set ran $550 each, but still just the cost of safe travel.
  • IF one blows comes apart in a hundred pieces, it,ll do thousands of dollars in damage to the rv, change now.
  • Time to bite the bullet. We just did even tho they looked perfectly fine. It's worth the peace of mind :)
  • About now would be a good time. You might get a few more years out of them but a blow out or even a fast leak while going down the road is never fun. Best case you're just delayed and out a couple of hundred for a side of the road replacement. Worse case, well let's just say not good.