Executive wrote:
Having owned and traveled extensively with both, I think the DP wins hands down. Better handling, able to have a decent conversation while traveling, more CCC etc.etc. All important things if traveling a lot. I also believe the amenities you'll find in the diesel will be superior to the gassers. That said, which should be a topic of another thread, is the difference between a tag axle coach and a non-tag, liftable tag and steerable tag. Since you already said you leave any mechanical 'issues' to pros, my suggestion is to stop overthinking the mechanical parts. Familiarize yourself with air brakes and that system as well as the basics of the diesel engine, i.e. how to drain water from the fuel, etc. and go drive one. Be aware though, be sure to have your check book with you, as once you drive one, you'll be sold.....Dennis
Agreed, but the days of drawing water from fuel are long gone. 70K miles on ours and never saw a speck of water in the fuel. If some were to get in, our filter will remove it. They do have a bottom drain, I check it about 3-4 times per year, never see any water.
Yes it can get in, but you are going to put it in, it won't come from good fuel supply stations, they have water traps .