Foodsman wrote:
Wow you guys are really pushing some "Non Politically Correct" issues here. I'd just like to say that Women sometimes make fools of men, but most guys are the do-it-yourself type.! :)
Why NPC? We are talking about history and it's role on who we are today. We are not saying a women cannot or should not drive a MH.
dubdub07 wrote:
I don't believe for a second that roles are cultural but given from years of men and women living together and maximizing the strengths that are naturally accepted. What is cultural is how we are taking those traditional roles and redefining them, and my argument would be illogically, to fit our desires vs the best fit. As we venture into the future there will be many more women doing what men traditionally do, but it will be at a cost.
I believe that the bold is just what we are talking about. I believe the underlined is backwards and yet true. Culture is developed. And then it is changed or it migrates. It is a group of people doing and expecting the same actions reactions until a revelation says it can be done another way.
Webster online wrote:
the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group: the youth culture; the drug culture.
Our fathers and mothers, granddads and grandmas did develope societal norms and a culture. Many times the man was the driver, was expected to pick the woman up at the front door and open doors for women.
Unfortunately, that culture is indeed changing. Culture is constantly changing and different in different parts of the US and the world.
Where my Mother would not have, my wife drives the MH because she wants to go someplace in the MH. Sometimes she drives, on long trips, because she wants to make it easier on me.