I have not bought a GM product since the disaster of the new 1981 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Brougham that I purchased way back then. It was a diesel that was popular at the time. What I didn't know (young at the time just getting into Real Estate)...is that GM converted a gas engine to diesel. The high compression of the diesel was too much for the converted gas engine.
At 48,000 miles, the engine was pretty much shot (drinking and burning oil). I vowed never to by another GM product. I feel my personal crusade of boycotting GM put Oldsmobile out of business! LOL! (I can wish).
I didn't buy an American made car for at least 30 yrs. Bought a couple of Jeeps that were owned by Mercedes-Benz at the time. Otherwise, I bought several Japanese cars, a Peugeot, a couple of Mercedes cars and a couple of Land Rover's.
The new Lincoln is the real first American car since that Delta 88.