Forum Discussion

two_travelers's avatar
Jul 30, 2019

Toilet replacement

We have had issues with our thetford toilet over the last year. First, the pedal mechanism broke. When it was replaced, the seal was also replaced. Well the seal did not hold water despite letting the pedal slam back. Figured a bad seal and repalced and still have the same problem. Perhaps it's time for a new toilet. Any recommedations on the best one? Don't need a porcelin bowl for the RV.
  • Go with the 320 porcelain. 310's have very hard to change ball seal. I have the t-shirt.
  • Go with the 320 porcelain. 310's have very hard to change ball seal. I have the t-shirt.
  • You're really shorting yourself by not considering the Dometic toilets, 310, 320 models. .....porcelain models or not.....
  • I changed out our throne to an Thetford Bravura. It has a larger base which makes it more stable.
    The unit is set up to fit most bolt patterns without modification.
  • I might not be much help since I replaced mine with a porcelin one. It was pretty simple and took about an hour at most to install. Mine was a Dometic. It had been sitting a month and I checked it today and it still had water in it.