Bordercollie wrote:
I'm lazy and the complication and cost of setting up for towing and having something in back to deal with, un-hitching and hitching seems like overkill compared to planning ahead or occasionally having to disconnect the RV and drive the rig to the store or restaurant, etc. Occasional renting a car to tour NY city, Boston, etc. seems more cost/effort-effective for our RV'ing style. Some people are more tourists than campers or are involved in social camping activities, sharing rides to restaurants, etc. where towing is considered necessary.
I'm (so far) in the same boat as Bordercollie; towing a car has thus far seemed like it would be far more hassle and expense than it would be worth for me. The times when I've needed or wanted to leave the camp site with a vehicle have been few and far between.
Incidentally, New York City and especially Boston are about the last places I would care to wander around by car. Public transit is far less hassle and far cheaper than trying to navigate the city streets, trying to hold my own with city drivers, and trying to find a place to park.