My KIA dealer tells me: Leave key in the switch and press the button, front of gear shift lever, marked " Shift Lock Release" to bring it to neutral. When the transmission can be shifted to neutral so to put the key in OFF position...(it's been running my battery down going across country).
This is what ACME tells me:
"The vehicle should be in park with the parking brake released and the steering column unlocked. You can use the instructions that are on ACME's instructional video. This is the method we used for the Kia shown. However, you can always go with the information that your dealership tells you. We typically recommend checking with them for any additional methods for unlocking the steering column since every vehicle is different..."
I, like you, thinks that if the wheels are strapped down (both front wheels) how the heck can the steering wheel turn? And as far "neutral goes" the dealer says there is movement in the front end, left to right and fore and aft that will damage my transmission, so it must not be left strapped down with no movement...