I'm a fairly old, old timer but I've learned that in modern vehicles the computer is way smarter than any driver can be. The days of low RPM torque engines are gone. The Ford V10 is a high winding, high torque and high horsepower gas engine that is built to run continuously at 5000 RPM. It may be noisy but it loves to run at high RPMs. The computer that controls the engine and transmission will not allow you to hurt the motor. Period. We've been in mountain situations where we are descending an 8% grade for miles and just let the computer handle the decent. TOW/HAUL mode in conjunction with cruise control is a great way to assure you are safe. Let the computer do it's thing. And yes! the engine may climb past 5000 RPM. Just get use to it and you will enjoy the reliability and power of this great engine.