Forum Discussion

rapidrrk's avatar
Apr 14, 2015


Went shopping for a new car last weekend with the idea that buying a car that war towable with all four wheels on the ground might be part of the criteria as to which car I choose. The salesperson informed me that almost no car mfgs. for the model year 2015 offer cars that can be towed with all four down (except Jeeps- no way, bad experience). Does anyone know if this info is accurate?
  • rapidrrk wrote:
    Went shopping for a new car last weekend with the idea that buying a car that war towable with all four wheels on the ground might be part of the criteria as to which car I choose. The salesperson informed me that almost no car mfgs. for the model year 2015 offer cars that can be towed with all four down (except Jeeps- no way, bad experience). Does anyone know if this info is accurate?

    ..What the salesperson REALLY meant: There is nothing on their lot for 2015 to sell you, that is flat towable. Soo, he/she hopes you'll give up on finding such, and buy something from them that isn't flat towable. :)

    While it is true that the options out there for flat towing have diminished some in 2015 (since Honda left the market), there ARE still several options out there, besides Jeeps, that can be flat towed. Especially, if you're willing to get a vehilcle with a manual transmission.

    As already suggested, have a look at the latest Dinghy guide. You'll find there are a lot more options out there than that sales rep would've had you believe. :)
  • to quote imgoin4it in another thread:
    The dingy towing guide gives a list of what can and cannot be towed but also states ".... buyers should always first confirm flat-towablity by consulting the respective vehicle owners manual before the purchase is finalized." Probably the very best advise in the entire booklet.
  • Use the dinghy towing guide as just that...a guide. The REAL info is in the vehicle's handbook from the manufacturer. Look in the book under "recreational towing". THAT will give you the straight skinny.....Dennis
  • with the Honda's dropping out of the towable ranks, that surely does limit the selection some. I would suggest starting with the various towing guides, Trailer LIfe/motorhome, Remco, etc. for some potential vehicles but then check it out in the vehicles owner's manual under towing behind a motorhome or recreational towing to confirm it. DO NOT buy something that needs a drive shaft disconnect or tranny pump to be able to tow it.