Ok, ok, maybe a manual trans Yaris (that's just a toy, isn't it? :>).... I can't even find it on the Remco site and I can't find my motor home dinghy towing guide.
Anyway, in 2010 we were looking for a new toad, preferably a Toyota (had three of them at the time) and one that held more than two people. Our first choice was a Rav4 but found out it was not 4-down towable. So we set our sights on the Highlander...nope, not that either. Then the 4-Runner...nope, once again not that too.
Got to checking all available sources, and at that time, we couldn't find anything Toyota made that was towable. Didn't check the Yaris....way too small for us.
Checked on this and other forums and the consensus was that Toyota was not interested in the "toad" world.
We narrowed down all other choices to the CRV and the Terrain (lots of others in this category) and decided upon the Terrain. So far, after 55K miles, it was a good choice.
Hope this helps