Forum Discussion

pusherwanabe's avatar
Mar 20, 2015

towing hitches

A newbie question, probably best answered by the coach manufacturer, but I thought I would start here. What is the criteria for the installation of a 10,000 lb towing hitch versus a 15,000 lb.Is there enough of a safety margin towing a 8,000 vehicle with a 10,000 hitch?
  • tropical36 wrote:
    pusherwanabe wrote:
    A newbie question, probably best answered by the coach manufacturer, but I thought I would start here. What is the criteria for the installation of a 10,000 lb towing hitch versus a 15,000 lb.Is there enough of a safety margin towing a 8,000 vehicle with a 10,000 hitch?

    You can most likely tow 10K lbs with a 8K lb hitch and have no ill effects, even though not recommended. Also keep in mind that the hitch capability is only a small part of the towing properties and when overloaded, it's usually the transmission, that's the first to suffer.

    I don't recall a 8K hitch rating. Suggest you review Class I, II, III, IV, and V are the only classes.

    The hitch you choose should be determined by the Towing Capacity that the MH manufacturer rates for your chassis. Which for most Class A's are 5K, 10K and 15K towing capacity. Most Gas are 5K, while DP's are typically 10K with some having a 15K rating.
  • In the good ol days we loaded 10 cows at 1100 lb ea on a gooseneck and pulled it with a 1/2 ton. The correct police have stooped all that now so we only haul 9 cows. LOL You can never go too big. It's like buying a tractor, you'll regret not buying big enough. Get a 12,000 and don't look back.
  • pusherwanabe wrote:
    A newbie question, probably best answered by the coach manufacturer, but I thought I would start here. What is the criteria for the installation of a 10,000 lb towing hitch versus a 15,000 lb.Is there enough of a safety margin towing a 8,000 vehicle with a 10,000 hitch?

    You can most likely tow 10K lbs with a 8K lb hitch and have no ill effects, even though not recommended. Also keep in mind that the hitch capability is only a small part of the towing properties and when overloaded, it's usually the transmission, that's the first to suffer.
  • If it was rated for 10k and only safe at 8k it would be a false rating.
  • pusherwanabe wrote:
    A newbie question, probably best answered by the coach manufacturer, but I thought I would start here. What is the criteria for the installation of a 10,000 lb towing hitch versus a 15,000 lb.Is there enough of a safety margin towing a 8,000 vehicle with a 10,000 hitch?

    also keep in mind...

    in general, the maximum amount of weight you can safely tow will be the lesser of the following:

    • the GCWR (gross combination weight rating) of the MH minus the actual weight of the MH as it is loaded for travel (includes fuel, fresh water, food, clothing, people, pets, supplies, etc.)

    • the weight rating of your tow bar

    • the weight rating of your hitch

    this is why it's vital to know what your MH weighs as it is loaded and configure for travel before choosing a toad. Your MH will not collapse if it is overloaded but you will experience handling issues as well as longer braking distances and accelerated wear on suspension, brakes, steering, etc.
  • Another newbie to another. In the future Re you going to move up? You might avoid having to avoid a new hitch If you buy the biggr one. Not sure about current specs or weights, thought I would chime in.
  • pusherwanabe wrote:
    A newbie question, probably best answered by the coach manufacturer, but I thought I would start here. What is the criteria for the installation of a 10,000 lb towing hitch versus a 15,000 lb.Is there enough of a safety margin towing a 8,000 vehicle with a 10,000 hitch?

    Make sure that the coach can handle the load also.
  • pusherwanabe wrote:
    A newbie question, probably best answered by the coach manufacturer, but I thought I would start here. What is the criteria for the installation of a 10,000 lb towing hitch versus a 15,000 lb.Is there enough of a safety margin towing a 8,000 vehicle with a 10,000 hitch?

    One newbie to another...if it says it's a 10K hitch, I would feel comfortable towing 10K. If I were the manufacturer, I would make sure it would hold up to 12-15K because there is always some knucklehead out there willing to push the envelope. I just don't see rating a hitch at 10K and not being able to tow it. JMHO
  • IMO, the manufacturer builds all the "safety margin" one needs into his product. As long as you are at or below the stated limits, you are as safe as you can be. The manufacturer is not about to engineer something that will handle a certain weight, then rate it at that weight! I believe the "working load" will always be at least half of the true breaking strength.
    SO, IMO, yes, you most assuredly CAN safely tow an 8000 lb. vehicle or trailer with a 10,000 lb. rated hitch!