old guy wrote:
I'm old school also and at least 400 hp
Tim Taylor school of MORE POWER MORE POWER MORE POWER here as well.
(Well he and I are both from Detroit).
One thing I have found. A common belief is the bigger engine won't get the MPG of the smaller one.. There is a curve... kind of like when a teacher grades on "the curve" (That's a bell shaped curve) same for engines.
Too small you don't get the MPG
Just big enough you reach the flat top of the curve
As the hp climbs performance improves. your ability to go up a hill improves. but MPG does not much change till you get to the "Ridiculous" power level range. Not having done any studies on it other than "observation" I'd say if 300 is the low end. 400 may actually get a bit better MPG and likely 600 or more before it starts to drop again.