Sep 09, 2019Explorer
My question is has anyone pulled a full size pickup with a 35 ft gas motor home I have a 1997 Fleetwood Bounder 34V with a Ford 460 engine and my tow limit is 3500 lbs my truck is 4900 lbs.
dodge guy wrote:FloridaRosebud wrote:Trumpet Player wrote:tropical36 wrote:gswcgi wrote:
If you get into an accident while towing that much over your weighted limit your insurance company will probably tell you to get lost !!
Granted, they may tell you to get lost, if they even have a clue as to weight being a factor or for maybe not wanting to renew your policy next time, but they will have to pay, regardless.
"...but they will have to pay, regardless." I wouldn't be so sure about that. Have you ever read your contract/policy with your insurance carrier? Most people don't and that can be a GIANT mistake. You need to take a look at your contract/policy for its defined "exclusions" of coverage. You might look for the exclusion that states something to the effect of "bodily injury or property damage reasonably expected to arise out of an intentional act." Reasonably expected would include exceeding certified posted limits. You think that these insurance companies spend the time and money they do having 60 or so pages drawn up by their staff attorneys so they don't cover themselves? Think again.
Unfortunately, Trumpet Player is correct. I work for insurance companies as an engineering consultant, and I can not tell you how many times I've seen claims turned down because of willful negligence on the insured.
You mean like knowingly speeding or turning right on red?