To me seems high for the upper by a lot. Ours might gain 10 lbs on the high side, but again you have to figure in the out side temp. The low side would be maybe 90. This is your call since its your system. What does your system tell you.
This is the rule that I found works best for us. Pressure and temp .
In general, tires lose or gain 1 PSI (pound per square inch) for every 10? change in temperature. Theoretically, your tires could gain 2 PSI plus over the course of the day if the temperature rises 20?—a real possibility in many parts of the country.
The people who delevoped the tire are the ones to ask the question to. They have already figured this out . My Suv and car gain about 2 to 4 lbs on a 100 + day. They start out at 32 to 35 lbs.
when cold. Have a Nice day.