Last October we went from PA to the Stockton, CA area across I-80 for a wedding and did a side trip up to I-90 to see the Corn Palace in Mitchell, the Badlands, Wall Drug, Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse along with some other things we found interesting.
There were no real suprises anywhere as they relate to parking etc. We did stay at the Rapid City KOA just south of town and found it very nice and quite affordable for a touristy area. We drove the pickup to Mt Rushmore and Crazy Horse but there was adequate parking for our 40 ft motorhome if we would have gone that route. The roads getting around the Black Hills are a little challenging if a person isn't comfortable driving their coach on some smaller roads, but other than that the only thing that we found was that the secondary routes getting from I-80 to I-90 and back were a lot more difficult to use than driving the extra miles to use interstate routes. Numerous grades and turns that would really challenge some drivers were the norm, not the exception.
Overall a great trip and we are glad we took the time to see some things we had seen before and some we were seeing for the first time, like the Bonneville Salt Flats.