This is an interesting question. For me the answer is both. Since we moved from MD to NC we use our RV to commute back and forth to visit family. I mean there really is no better way to travel than with all the conveniences of a rolling apartment - food, TV, central air and heat, bathroom, couch, beds, etc and it's all your own stuff. And speaking of stuff, I can take our bikes, diving gear, all the clothes and food I want, heck even my own car. As much as I want (provided the weight is ok) and at no cost. Try that with any other means of travel. Sitting in traffic jams is no longer a bad experience. I could sit there all day. I have to travel periodically for work and by and large I don't care for hotels. Aside from using all the same towels, sheets etc that thousands of other people have used, the air quality is usually very poor (something I pay attention to with lung issues). Add to that, in a hotel you are pretty much confined to eating out and the costs really add up. So we bought a motorhome a few years ago so we could travel where we wanted, when we wanted in the most comfortable and convenient way we could. Any more I take the MH on business trips when I can and take the family along. We don't like to fly either. The ONLY exception to our travel and vacations would be a cruise. Because you simply aren't getting to an island - or several islands - in a MH. But we only cruise every several years. But we use the MH for travel as well as vacations and often the two become one. We are planning a cross country trip this year and really looking forward to it. There simply isn't a more comfortable and convenient way to travel.