Those are neat truck campers. The options list is pretty extensive, although with each option comes additional weight and COST! You'll probably be over on your weights, but if you think it through you can probably do it safely. You definitely will need an auxilliary brake controller on the truck, per the Workhorse (or Ford) owner's manual.
We, too, share your dislike of motels and would love (someday) to have a small RV toad. However, I've always thought along the lines of a Class B/conversion van or Sports Mobile type unit. That way we have everything at our disposal so if it's raining or you're just stopping at a rest area, everything is ready and available. We just like "convenient". :)
The one option I didn't see on the list (maybe I missed it?) was air conditioning. THAT would be a deal breaker for me. I suppose if you know you'll always be in areas which are cooler, I guess it's not as much of a concern.
Good luck in your search.