Forum Discussion

terryb149's avatar
Jul 29, 2015

Turn in motorhome back to bank

Has anyone got some information on what happens and how bad it is to turn your motorhome back over to the bank? I have a 2006 Allegro Bus that I have been trying to sell for a couple of months with no takers. The wife is after me to just park it at the bank and give them the keys and walk away.
I owe more than resell so I'm not in a good position.
Any thoughts sure would help me out.
Thanks all
  • You should talk to a BK atty to learn more about your options.

    If you have other assets, like a house, cars or any other real property they will go after it. It will substantially damage your credit ratings and that will last for about 5-7 years for recovery. They might want the difference of what they can wholesale it for and what you owe in order to make them whole.

    Again, I recommend you talk to a BK attorney to get the best advice.
  • My son was in the same position with a 2006 Monaco Diplomat and turned it back to the bank. The bank sold it at auction and received an amount $33K less than the loan amount. He had to cash in most of his retirement fund to pay the difference. He had the option of claiming bankruptcy but he would have lost his house in the process so he just paid off the difference. I wish you the best of luck with your dealings.