Hi Tropical.
Pretty sure I selected the 20 amp circuit...it only goes to the Rear AC...the other circuit powers the front AC and all the rest of the 120 volt outlets. If I run the generator, everything works, and when I unplug the pigtail, the only change in the coach is that the rear AC goes off. I feel that the wire with the pigtail (connected to 3external 120 volts) goes to the Intellitec, as does the 30 amp from shore power go to the intellitec...so at this point, Intellitec sees shore power and does not allow the two AC's to run at the same time. Funny thing...I discovered that the rear AC will not run with the extension cord attached to the pigtail unless shore power is connected or unless the generator is running. I think it's the Intellitec EMU-2 that is contoling this. If I can find the wires coming out of the Intellitec to the rear AC, place a receptacle on the wires from the intellitec, and a plug on the wires to the rear AC...This way Make the split after the Intelletic...Would this make any sense? I split the rear AC circuit about 3 feet from the Generator....which of course is before the Intellitec EMU-2.
Thanks Tropical very much for your help again.......Ponder