AikenRacer wrote:
I live in the city limits and in a subdivision that does not allow RV parking on your lot. So years ago I built a shop in the county and the MH lives there. The MH was addressed at the shop and I paid county taxes and no city taxes. Sounded fair. Now, the city says I owe city and county taxes since my residence is in the city. My beef is that it lives in the county, if it catches on fire I call the county fire dept, if someone breaks into it I call the county deputy, when I dump the waste tanks it goes into my septic tank, there is no legal designated RV parking spot anywhere in the city limits. So I have no choice but to pay the $2200 tax bill on a 6 year old MH. Sounds unfair to me...I am beginning to support those Montana MHs more and more....
Its a County Issue.
Taxes in the City of Aiken"The City of Aiken collects property taxes on all Real, Merchants, and Personal Property (other than vehicle-all vehicle taxes are collected by the Aiken County Treasurer)......."
"Tax Corrections & Errors
VERY IMPORTANT! All property assessment changes or error corrections are made through the Aiken County Tax Assessor’s office and NOT through the City of Aiken. Please visit their website at or by phone at 803-642-1583 for more information. By State Law, the City of Aiken is not authorized to make any changes to your tax records. All corrections, including name and address updates, are sent to the City of Aiken by the Aiken County Tax Assessor’s office."