ArchHoagland wrote:
Wheel tax??? Good Lord what will they come up with next.
Do they tax you based on how many wheels you own? Wonder if it includes the wheels on your lawnmower and bicycles.
I don't know about other states but since TN has no income tax and a very limited personal property tax, most government revenue comes from sales tax and real estate tax. In order to allow revenue generation without putting the entire burden on property owners, the legislature gave local governments the option to implement a "wheel tax". It's not really a tax on wheels but a tax on each motor vehicles that require a license plate and operate on public roads. I think the maximum allowed is $25/vehicle/year. Of course, every county government has implemented it. I bet my $25 annual vehicle "wheel tax" and $21 annual vehicle tags comes in a few bucks under the CA equivalent. :) Especially when you consider we pay $0 in state income tax.