ArchHoagland wrote:
Wheel tax??? Good Lord what will they come up with next.
Do they tax you based on how many wheels you own? Wonder if it includes the wheels on your lawnmower and bicycles.
Yeah, it's just as Hohenwald48 explained it above. Believe me (I sound like POTUS now), you would rather have our vehicle taxing system than what you have in California. I'm also a 'Californian' living part time there for almost 30 yrs. now.
I just bought a new car there about 3 weeks ago and it will be tagged in TN as I only spend about 3 months a year there. My tag cost will be $106 vs. $2,000+.
I know that Mississippi charges vehicle tags like California, based on value. It's doesn't matter what you drive in TN, you will pay about $100 in the major cities and less in the counties.
Safe travels,