Thanks John & Joey, your idea could have been the case, I guess as well as some others. I do thank all of the posters for their ideas or suggestions. Your idea of the ferral cat could have been since I have seen some cats in the parks. I do check my smoke detectors as well as the others often and replace the batteries. I did not get the chance today to check the batteries in the coach since other things came up but will do so. I have not smelled the scent but once since the original and that was in the same park. The scent is one I will look out for and let this forum know should I detect it again. So thanks again to all who posted for your suggestions and I do apologize again for not letting the posters know what the results of the odor was. Since I have not detected the smell anymore, I really don't have a solution at this point, but thanks for all the help that I have received from this forum.