Forum Discussion

HighwayJunky's avatar
Jul 18, 2020

Updating my GPS

Just purchased a used 2015 Itasca Ellipse 42QD and learning new things about the coach daily. Today's question: The motorhome came with a digital info center and one of the options is the GPS(Rand McNally) but it needs to have the maps updated. I have already noticed numerous roads and new extensions which aren't presently included...

Can these factory installed GPS systems be updated? and, how do I go about the job? Appreciate your advise.
  • which ever way you go, remember that a GPS is a small, smart TV with a wicked sense of humor.
  • How about something like an Android Auto head-end (radio).

    Most of the gps navigation systems are proprietary and require a subscription to get updates and what are you left with when the manufacturer goes out of business or your not happy with what you have.
  • You would be better off buying a tablet the same size (or similar) as your current monitor, install Google Maps and WAZE and you will have better mapping data plus live traffic data. The stand alone GPS units simply cannot compare.
  • I'm in the process of ripping the factory install out and installing a new one with lifetime maps. The old one weighed almost 10 pounds. The new one less than 4 ounces!! I've posted the demo HERE. I'm waiting on Garmin to ship the new product. I bought their latest release, the 890RV which will fit perfectly in the space. I'll post another page with comments when I complete it next week....Dennis
  • That’s the problem with built in GPS systems. For instance my 2012 Chrysler 300 they no longer offer updates for. As well as many other manuf built in systems.

    On my MH we purchased last year I had my standalone GPS on the dash. While it worked, between the GPS, phone, tablet and a yet to be purchased TPMS I didn’t want anything on the dash. So I built an entire new center console and incorporated a new Pioneer touch screen radio with apple car play (it also offers android auto). The maps in the phone are updated frequently (sometimes several times a day for roadwork and accidents as long as you have LTE service) otherwise the GPS service works offline as well. So there is never a need to update any maps.
    Not sure how your system is, but it’s something to look into.
    And if you have an HDMI connection on the radio you can mirror your phone and use CoPilot GPS app and view it on the radio.
    It offers far more options than built in systems. Not to mention updating built in maps can get expensive! Sometimes $150 an update!!!!
  • The model of your infotainment system with the GPS would help. Found this using Google. It might help -