falconbrother wrote:
I have had two friends who converted their diesel cars to run biodiesel. In both cases it damaged the engines, injectors, etc.. Could have been unrelated but, the evidence seems to suggest that it was the biodiesel.
You don't have to convert anything to run Biodiesel in a diesel engine car or truck. They probably converted to run used veggie oil, where you do need to make a type of conversion. You need a extra veggie tank which is heated because the veggie is to thick to go thru the injector pump and injectors. You also have to set up a switching system to switch back and forth between diesel and veggie oil, because you need to purge the veggie out of the ip system before shutting down. And that is probably how they damaged their engines. I ran a VW Passat TDI over 150,000 miles on veggie oil with no problems. But the guy I sold it to blew the engine trying to haul what a Dodge diesel pickup would haul. He had 5000 pounds of scrap steel on his trailer when it blew. Poor little 90 hp engine just could not handle the heat being created. I was amazed he didn't take out the clutch or tranny!