Great Purchase. Good mileage-price-model combo, I shopped for months and months, and came up with similar as the best I could do, although different brand, a hair lower price, a little more miles, and a few repairs I needed to do. Great when you can get the low miles. That vehicle should be great for your planned trip. Very wise to get all the mechanical work done early.
Respectfully, those of us who have enjoyed multiple Dodge/Chrysler/Plymouths as an excellent value to cost ratio have always laughed at Consumer Reports. Not to discount anyone's personal experiences, those are critically important and I value all input, both good and bad. But CR has long had some crazy grudge against MOPAR (I'm on my #10 MOPAR, no RVs though, and would do every one of them again). I'm sure some have had bad experiences, but CR has a definite and provable bias against Chrysler and often other US brands, and if anyone wants to know why, catch me on another thread. All I want to say here is that the odds of that Dodge serving you well for a good while is quite decent.
Have fun preparing for, and completing, your planned trip!