Forum Discussion

pushtoy_2's avatar
Nov 25, 2019

V 10 mpg

what mpg is everyone getting with and without an upgrade
  • MDKMDK wrote:
    pushtoy 2 wrote:
    what mpg is everyone getting with and without an upgrade

    What upgrade are you talking about? 6 Speed transmission? One of the after market "tune ups"?

    Seriously, I might have averaged 6-7 mpg over the year or so I owned one. Might have seen 10 on the Scan Gauge II on a smooth highway once in a while, on cruise, on the flat, with no head/cross winds. The downside to the V10 is eventually you have to drive off the freeways, in traffic, up hills, into headwinds, and and that's when your real "average" mileage gets crushed.
    Asking an owner about the Ford V10's mileage, is like asking a fisherman about "the one that got away".
    the upgrades are banks and 5 star tune
  • I've generally averaged around 7.5 - 8.0 mpg, probably closer to the 7.5 mpg. 32' 1998 class C Coachmen Santara motorhome, nothing in tow, no engine or transmission upgrades (i.e. the four speed transmission). I don't use the motorhome because of its exceptional fuel efficiency, but rather for its other unique advantges.

    Fuel mileage for a motorhome is quite dependent on speed and hills. If you want to improve your mileage, cruising at 45 mph will very likely do more to help you than 65 mph plus any engine or transmission upgrade you could reasonably make.

    A plain E series van might get twice the fuel mileage using the same engine, or nearly so, if I remeber what I've heard properly from people who have them.
  • pushtoy 2 wrote:
    what mpg is everyone getting with and without an upgrade

    What upgrade are you talking about? 6 Speed transmission? One of the after market "tune ups"?

    Seriously, I might have averaged 6-7 mpg over the year or so I owned one. Might have seen 10 on the Scan Gauge II on a smooth highway once in a while, on cruise, on the flat, with no head/cross winds. The downside to the V10 is eventually you have to drive off the freeways, in traffic, up hills, into headwinds, and and that's when your real "average" mileage gets crushed.
    Asking an owner about the Ford V10's mileage, is like asking a fisherman about "the one that got away".
  • 2011 Greyhawk 28 foot class C gets approx 10 mpg. I cruise the highways at 62 mph.
  • I drive 'em empty and rarely get better than 7 MPG. But then I'm usually pushing it to make a flight back.
  • We have a 34 foot Jayco Redhawk (2019) with the 6 speed. We are at 8.5 not towing, and 8.0 with the Jeep. I've gotten 7.5 with headwind, and 8.2 with tailwind towing our Jeep.

    I will say that my "old" F150 with a 5.0L v8 and 6 speed was 15.5 to 16.0 MPG not towing. However, we have a 2019 F150, 5.0L v8 and now the new 10 speed transmission. Same exact set up (crew cab, tow pkge, tire sizes). The 10 speed gets me 17.5 MPG not towing...with the 5.0 having a few more ponies as well.

    Point is...would love to see that 10 speed in a motorhome.
  • With my 31 ft Class A I get between 7-8 pulling a toad which seems about the norm. This with speeds maintained in the 62-67 range. For me 9+ is but a dream.
  • On my 31 foot Jayco Greyhawk(2017), I'm getting 9.9 mpg if I keep my foot out of it. A little less if I pull the toad.The new 6 speed transmission helps a lot.