Forum Discussion

Branson_N_Tucso's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 11, 2017

Veteran's Day

Thank you for your Service. From one Veteran to another. Served 23 years.
  • mowermech wrote:

    I get my "thank you" the first of every month, when the check is deposited.
    Thank YOU for that!

    You're welcome. That's how our tax dollars should be spent, and not on free fell phones, etc.. ;)
  • gbopp wrote:
    NAS Whidbey Island. 68-71 :C

    NAS Whidbey Island, 1960-62
    25th Inf. Div. Arty, 1963-66
    LOTS of Reserve time.
    CM1, USN(RET).
    I get my "thank you" the first of every month, when the check is deposited.
    Thank YOU for that!
  • Happy Veterans Day to all. I served 6 years in the US Navy (75-81) and a majority of that time was on-board a fast attack submarine, USS Memphis (SSN-691). I didn't believe it at the time, but it was one of the better moves in my life.

    05 Travel Supreme Envoy
  • As a dual citizen, Canada and USA, today is significant in two ways:

    I have at least a couple of distant relatives buried and memorialized near Ypres. They sacrificed everything, and gave up their future so I could have mine. Remembrance Day is a little chance to thank them.

    You Veterans -- I thank you for your service. I did not serve, but I hold your service in the greatest regard. Veterans Day is a little chance to thank you again.
  • Army here. 1982 - 1988. Granada was the event then. Spent my time in Garrison, Fort Devens, Ma. Then 2ID Korea, Camp Casey, 1st Brigade, then moved to 1/72 Armor Battalion. (Hated every minute of Korea). Then plush assignment at Fort Belvoir, VA and got tired of the politics. Decided I'd seen enough and got out while it was still good.

    Regrets? Yea.... a few. Wish I could catch up with a couple of my "buddies" and punch them in the nose! Others, would love to have them in my home for a good meal together! It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

    Would I do it again.... not voluntarily! But if called upon, yes ... I'd do it again in a heart beat! (that is if Uncle Sam want's this old codger now with a knee I wasn't born with, high blood pressure, high sugar levels, arthritis, dead thyroid, somewhat over weight, loss of hearing in one ear, and only 1 eye working correct. I suppose I'd fit right in though? With my balding head, I'd not need to worry about those "Army haircuts" any more!

    I served, I did my job, and I got out when it was right ... like I said, regrets, only a few.

    1984 ... when I still had hair, was thin, didn't need glasses, and had the knee I was born with! A little on my saucey side here ... Korea, Camp Casey.

  • USN Chief, Enlisted USN Aug 61, Retired nov, 81

    Thank God for our families and support groups that kept the home fires burning.
  • Drafted in '68, went, came home. The army was a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.

    Thank you for your service.