Forum Discussion

subtroll's avatar
Sep 14, 2013

Virtual 24" Rear View Mirror

Been wanting to do this for a long time but we now have three 7” displays connected to three individual cameras for a Virtual 24” rear view mirror. Our 10-year-old coach came only with a single mono-chrome rear monitor. I’ve always wanted a better view of what’s behind us.

Installed two side color cameras and a new rear facing color camera looking straight back. Kept the original camera/monitor system to watch the toad. Connected the cameras to three 7” color displays mounted in a walnut frame attached to the cabinet above the drivers seat. The only thing the displays block out is the retractable sun screen housing.

The displays are small so its not like looking out the windshield but it tells me what’s behind us and on either side.

Truthfully the side cameras don’t provide much more than my mirrors, but its nice to see the lanes on either side completely clear before changing lanes. I still use my mirrors as always. It was a god-send in morning rush hour traffic in St Louis yesterday as we passed through town on multiple freeways for the first time. The biggest difference is in the ability to back up into a parking space for example. My co-pilot isn’t much for providing backing directions and now she doesn’t have to.

I considered the pros and cons of where to mount the side cameras…high or low, and selected low for ease of cable installation. I seldom drive at night so headlight interference doesn’t concern me. If necessary my dashboard switch turns off all cameras and displays. I also considered the pros and cons of doing a turn signal activated system with a single monitor but looking down and to the right seems too distracting. Ran the 60 foot rear camera cable under the coach to the dashboard.

All components are 12 VDC units but since the coach electrical system ranges 11-13.4 VDC and I didn’t have the spec sheets of all components first, I added a 100w DC-DC converter which takes 6-35 VDC input and puts out a clean 12 VDC to all components. Bought my cameras and cables from Total Vision Products and Displays from Miller Electronics. Power supply from Recommend these places for their superb support. Total cost about $900.

If interested I can send photos if contacted by PM but adding photos to this blog is beyond me.
  • wny_pat wrote:
    I have enough trouble keeping track of what is in front of me the windshield, and the two side mirrors, taking a occasional glance at the toad in the monitor, and checking the oil pressure, the water temp, the tranny temp, the battery gauge, etc. Doing all that is a full time job. Don't need anything else taking my eyes off the road!

    To me the whole point of the project is to keep the driver informed without taking his eyes off the road so much. He just has to take a quick glance up from his normal line of sight and can see everything around him at once. He does not even have to turn his head. That should be much faster than turning his head back and forth to the side mirrors.

    I plan to do this in my coach, I have already purchased one monitor and as soon as I can prove to myself that all of the wiring works I am going to get the other two. This thread just convinces me of the value of the project. Good job and very neat installation!
  • I don't think your GPS screen is big enough, you need a BIGGER one.:W
  • FIRE UP wrote:
    I don't think your GPS screen is big enough, you need a BIGGER one.:W
    Actually why not just fill the whole front windshield with the GPS. Who needs to see the actual road.
  • Daveinet wrote:
    FIRE UP wrote:
    I don't think your GPS screen is big enough, you need a BIGGER one.:W
    Actually why not just fill the whole front windshield with the GPS. Who needs to see the actual road.

    a heads-up display would be cool.
  • jhilley,

    I bought my dc-dc converter from Small $73 w/ shipping in a metal case. 100 watts 6-35 Vdc in 12 vdc out
  • kjburns wrote:
    Here are the photos from subtroll. The monitor above the displays is a dedicated navigation computer running Delorme Street Atlas USA. It's the ultimate cockpit for situational awareness.

    I was wondering what brand 7 inch monitors did you use . I was wondering about burn in if keep them on all the time witch I would like to do while driving. Also are the ebay monitors good quality. and witch type side cameras worked the best .Its a great Idea . And I have the same software Delorme street atlas USA Mines out dated a bit 2004 :)
    I'm setting up a 4 camera system and debating 9 inch screen or like you did with 4 X 7 inch .


  • Shopping list for 24” Virtual Rear View Mirror

    Cameras Total Vision Products (Rod Thomas)
    Qty Part # Price
    2 SV-404-3.8 $139.00 ea $278.00 side cameras
    2 M12-15M $12.64 ea $25.28 12' cables
    1 SV-3.6-IRS $129.00ea $129.00 rear camera
    1 M12-20M $24.12ea $24.12 60' cable
    3 cable adapters $17.80 cable to display
    $494.94 (includes shipping and Handling)

    Displays ordered from (Miller Electronics) and "JACKY@ACCELE.COM"
    LCDP7NB $320.32

    Power supply ordered from $68.95 plus 4.95 Shipping $73.90
  • I'm adding to an old post.

    I liked subtroll's virtual monitor. I had one side camera, eventually added another side camera/monitor but did not have the monitors in good locations. I recently changed the monitor locations, and I've been very pleased with the results.

    Like subtroll, I have a dedicated monitor for the left side, rear view, and right side. The rear view has two camera inputs, one for looking at the toad & tow bar, and another for seeing the traffic behind the motorhome.

    The new monitor locations lets me see what's happening around me without taking my eyes off the road. My coach's dash layout was helpful to allow room to do this. Not all motorhomes would have enough real estate left on the dash to support 3 monitors.

    Pictures below:

    All three monitors are the $39 dollar variety from ebay.
