n7bsn wrote:
Recently I was reading an business analysis article on employee "shrinkage", that is employee theft.
According to the article WalMart has one of the highest employee shrinkage rates in the retail sector, as a percentage of their total business
Wal*Mart is a great place to work... IF you are management.
If you are labor.. Horror stories abound, any labor union can likely hand you a fairly large folder of confirmed horror stores.. Forced over time (Without time and a half) low pay, few if any benefits (though some of that has been addressed by fedral law) and a bunch of other things that, frankly, are violations of the labor law.... At one time Michigan was the employer most likely to loose in labor court, Today. Wal*mart has that distinction. You do not earn that distinction without walking all over employee rights.
That the underpaid, overworked workers may let a product or 3 stick to their fingers at end of shift... Not surprising, not legal and I do not approve, but surprised.. I am not.