Your WH uses just one set of t-stats for both electric & propane heat control, uses the same DC fused power for both so if it works on electric OK but doesn't fire on propane then it is isolated to just the propane components.
That could be faulty Propane On/OFF switch
Could be the Spark Electrode or the firing circuit on control board
Need to test/check that you have 12V DC FROM the Propane On/Off Switch with switch have 12V DC to the switches cause electric & propane use same fused source.

VS pulling switch panel you can test/check for the 12V DC on ORANGE wire at connector on control board (outside compartment)
With 12V DC to/thru On/Off switch and to control board it then comes out on Brown wire thru a 'thermal fuse' to/thru Normal t-stat back to board on Brown wire.
Then out of control board on Red wire to/thru ECO to gas valve solenoids. (SAME CIRCUIT WHEN USING ELECTRIC)
Only difference on propane is when it comes out on Red wire to/thru ECO the Spark Electrode should be Firing (strong, loud spark----click,click,click)
No sparking then electrode could be bad, could have wrong spark gap (1/8"), high voltage wire from transformer on control board to spark electrode is bad or not making good connection OR the gas firing circuit on control board is bad.
It ALL has to do with getting a SPARK
Trace the 12V DC using a meter.....find where it stops

Wanna check whether FAULT light comes on......
With Electric ON go pull RED wire off of ECO.
Fault light DC power comes from control board on Blue wire