Forum Discussion

6string's avatar
Feb 15, 2019

Water ingestion in engine on 2011 Tiffin Phaeton 36QSH

At 50,000 miles I got a crankcase pressure high code. After changing many filters they had to pull the head off my Cummins engine. Cylinders glazed and signs of water ingestion. Had a complete overhaul. I proved they were right by pulling air intake hose off filter and putting a bag over the hose. One good day of rain and I had maybe a quart of water in the bag that would have been in the air filter. Has anyone had this problem. Trying to find out if this was a common problem. Thank you
  • Your coach has the air intake at the upper left (driver's side) corner of the rear cap. There is a large diameter tube that runs down the inside wall of the rear cap, turns and goes into the air cleaner. Typically, at the bend in the tube as it turns toward the engine is a drain. Many have a "duck valve" type rubber drain. Looks like two large rubber lips hanging down. It's suppose to drain and water coming in through the air intake. Check your coach for that drain valve.
  • You need to check your air filter, it should have a drain hole in the bottom to remove any water that comes in the air pipe.