Oh my! Don't need to really explain but I bought this DP that someone else neglected right down to neglecting to make the payments. I bought it from the bank for about 15% of what it cost new and paid CASH for it---no 20 year loan or sell my house to get it. And now its been mine for 5 years, no payments, and shines just like the one someone works them selves to death waxing, making payments, and still owes 10 more years......Yes I take care of the pennies, I am cheap, I am lazy. But this unit gets a complete service every spring and is used every weekend---about 5-6000mi a year and you will never know what I used to make it shine. Any way some of us do it this way and others opt for something else----its America and we have choices. We drive a Mercedes SUV and a VW TDI + a couple of pick ups.....it is my choice to wash them at the car wash! Isn't it wonderful? We have choices here in this country---at least in how we wax our RV!!!!!!!