Forum Discussion

ezgoin's avatar
Oct 31, 2018

Weak chassis battery

I just went out to fire up my MH (Ford F53 chassis) and the chassis battery wouldn’t start it, so I used the alternate house batteries to start with no problem.

My slides and jacks obviously need chassis battery to operate, so my question is.....
Once the engine is running (even with weak buttery) will slides and jacks work OK?

I don’t want to put slides out if there’s a chance I can’t get them back in. Same with jacks.

  • Check your manual. Some coaches will not allow you to extend or retract the slides if the engine is running and some will. It depends on if there is an interlock switch.
  • Slide rooms are generally powered by house battery. Jacks, usually chassis battery. Also as you probable have now discovered being plugged in usually does not charge chassis battery. Add a stand alone battery minder for your chassis battery.
  • Should work fine as long as the engine runs. Is the chassis battery weak or just low on charge? Assuming you are plugged in... have you checked if the chassis battery is getting a maintenance charge?
  • time2roll wrote:
    Is the chassis battery weak or just low on charge? Assuming you are plugged in... have you checked if the chassis battery is getting a maintenance charge?

    Not sure what’s the difference between weak or low on charge.
    Battery is charging when plugged into power, and will start OK.

    I usually plug in once a week for 24 hrs, last time being last Sunday. When I tried to start today just the clicking noise I associate with weak battery.
  • Have a tech or store with carbon leak don tester check the battery.
    Once they start to not maintain a charge the go quickly. Being such a large battery might take longer.
    Our chasis battery must weight 200 lbs so might as well have a service facility that has a proper fork lift or otherwise to check it so they can replace it if it is going bad.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    One thought.. My Chassis battery (Workhorse branded) lasted 9 years (Same as house.. well almost chassis went a month sooner) but during that time I had several "Dead battery" like events.

    Damon used common crimp on "RING Terminals" not proper battery lugs to connect to the side terminal battery. the metal reacted with the lead and a tiny amount of acid that tends to be present and corrorded somethign fierce. A quick wire brush or scraper job and good as new.

    When i replaced the battery.... I replaced the terminal lug. (Wire end).
  • You don't need a forklift to remove the battery for a F53 V10. Any good auto battery will work fine. I have an Autozone Silver battery in mine since 2007 and still works just fine. This battery has the lug bolt on it to attached the battery cables.
  • Personally, I'd fire up the coach and drive it to the nearest WalMart and get new batteries. Problem solved. Why continue to operate a coach with a known fault? That's simply asking to meet with Mr. Murphy and his book of laws.....Dennis