Forum Discussion

supercub's avatar
May 03, 2013

Well, it finally happened, got hit, but no damage

Was stopped at an intersection last night, a 2 axle box truck came up on my left side and his mirror hit my mirror. Don't know why he was hugging the right side of his lane, probably was distracted, or maybe just an idiot. Turned my mirror 90 degrees, I blew my horn at him, but as soon as the light turned green, he was off. Couldn't believe it, the good thing, I couldn't see any damage last night, and looked everything over this mronign, and can believe it, but I don't even see any scratches. Needless to say I was a little,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ah, won't say it, but now, I'm better.
  • OnaQuest....I'll be the first to admit when I'm wrong, but in this case, I was stopped and as close as I could tell was not hugging either line. Thanks for the encouraging words, like they say, there's one in every crowd, and you win this time. Someone almost wiped out what I've worked several years for. A very upsetting experience, and then someone has to make what they think is a funny remark, sorry, I don't think it was funny.
    Takes a lot for me to get mad, but sir you pushed the wrong button.
  • Just leaving Zion on the way to Bryce clashed mirrors with another MH going the opposite direction. Narrrow road, no shoulder, we both moved over but struck a glancy blow. Loud noise but only a scuff luckily. Not sure but it looked like one of them road hog DPs. :)
  • That happened to me two years ago. But, I was parked parked on the main drag in Coos Bay, OR. A local fuel delivery truck hit my driver's side mirror and nearly took it off. Luckily he stopped and called his boss who immediately came over. They admitted it was their fault, and they landed up paying for a new mirror and labor installation at the Monaco factory just up the road. It cost them $800.00! But Monaco only sold them in pairs so I got a spare passenger mirror which I sold. I feel your pain.
  • supercub wrote:
    ...... Don't know why he was hugging the right side of his lane, probably was distracted, or maybe just an idiot.

    ..... and who might have been "hugging" the left side of their lane?
  • You were lucky! Glad that it worked out with no scratches or damage.
