You don't normally hook up sewer hose to sewer until your black and grey water tanks are nearly full. You want them to be near full so that solids will flow out readily and not pile up in a pyramid inside the empty tank, blocking the exit. Dump black water first (big handle)let empty, shut black valve, open gray water second to rinse the yuck out of your sewer hose. Disconnect sewer hose and run fresh water down it into sewer to rinse remaining stuff off. Hook up shore power cable if you want to be able to run air condioner, microwave and furnace, fridge or run generator. You may need to connect shore power plug to the generator to get power into the rig. Hook up cable TV cable to post and RV and fresh water hose to post and RV if you want to use water supply. A filter betwee hose and RV is good if you want to drink local water. Turn on propane supply for water heater, furnace and fridge in propane mode. Struggle with awning and take out chairs etc if desired then relax. Keep a small collapsible stool, a pair of water pump pliers, and disposable latex gloves handy for hooking up and unhooking stuff.