Forum Discussion

CG_Dawson's avatar
Nov 18, 2016

We've quit

Well folks, after 45 years of having and enjoying an RV of one kind or another, we are without. This past Tuesday we sadly watched as some folks drove off with their new purchase. We finally decided, at 80+ years of age, that it was time! Although we still enjoy the lifestyle immensely we realized that we just cannot do the things we enjoy and have always done. I can no longer do the necessary maintenance myself and it was taking Jackie and I two or three weeks to get ready for a trip. So rather than hurt, maim or even kill one or both of us, or even worse yet do the same to someone else we mutually decided that it was time to quit. We have seen a large portion of this great country and then some, we have visited all 50 states (not all by RV) and twenty some countries, we have been truly blessed.
We wish everyone here continued health, enjoyment, a long life and God's Blessings.
  • Don't quit RV.NET. You still have experience and advice to share. :)
  • Hey Greg check in with us now and then you have to much knowledge not too! Good Luck
  • Hope there are still adventures in your future and I applaud you for knowing/recognizing that it was time to hang it up.

    Good luck!
  • If hubby and I can continue RVing until we hit our 80's we'll feel truly blessed. You must have a lifetime of wonderful memories to draw on as you head into this new phase of your lives.

    Congratulations on over half a lifetime spent RVing.
  • Relish your memories and enjoy yourself in new ways. Never stop living until you actually do.
  • Very sorry to hear that, I bet you have some wonderful stories to tell!
    You'll be missed around the campfire.