bshpilot wrote:
DSDP Don wrote:
You just proved my point.....maybe you should have read more about how the system works! It's not the end all for Rv's, it's just a nice feature.
You have a very specialized RV and I know they're expensive. Yours is great for hauling a heavy load, but comparing your tractor front end to most RV's isn't really a fair or useful comparison, especially since yours is a niche market with probably less than 1% of the RV market share.
I probably should have worded it differently, but you also took a shot, in a round about way, at the Comfort Drive system.
you're reading between lines that don't exist, don't knock my ride (until you've ridden in one)...opps look at me reading between YOUR lines. ;) :S
i think you MISSED my point....i read what they had on their data sheet & watched the video, if its more than power steering their advertising people need help.
feel free to watch the video yourself....
There is no doubt Newmar hasn't done a very good job of marketing Comfort Drive. The other issue is one test drive on a flat road on a calm day won't even begin to tell the story. On a perfect day and a perfect road it's pretty much like normal power steering. When the weather turns ugly the only way you'll know is by looking out the window - the MH will still drive the same.
On your rig I can see where you're coming from. With your commercial chassis and low center of gravity it might not be as big of a deal. Then again you're giving up a full pass-thru basement and all the additional storage of a traditional DP motorhome.
Its all about what you choose, and for me, if I'm choosing another DP it **WILL** have Comfort Drive. After owning it that option is not even up for debate.