Forum Discussion

jkc306's avatar
Aug 24, 2020

What The Heck???

well, previous topic dealt with my house batteries. turned out old ones were dead. replaced both, all was well. So day before heading out for Oregon i do some prep. began by retracting leveling jacks to pull out onto driveway - went down hill from there. Hour plus call with good sam tech - reset jack system, voltage of house batts 12.60 each; chassis batt ditto yet nothing working even when using shore power from home. Engine stopped two minutes after started when working fine earlier; electrical burn smell from house batt area; reset 100 amp circuits; checked voltage to leveling solinoid; checked 15amp fuse - nada. now it's dead in the water. won't start. nothing works even when using shore power...dunno if anyone out there has any insights; made september appointment for tow to local rv repair; cancelled rv park reservations....Good sam tech believes power not getting from house batts to leveling pump but how/why the engine shut down too is a head scratcher.
  • jkc306 wrote:
    i have two 12volt house batteries. the difference i see from the posted diagrams: there is currently no cable(s) that attach to each positive post like the one cable that attaches to each batteries negative post...the positive posts are independent of each other and not "joined together" by any cable.

    And therein lies your problem. You have connected the batteries incorrectly.
  • i have two 12volt house batteries. the difference i see from the posted diagrams: there is currently no cable(s) that attach to each positive post like the one cable that attaches to each batteries negative post...the positive posts are independent of each other and not "joined together" by any cable.
  • What is the voltage via Handheld meter on the positive and negative cables going to the coach ? ( the output) I too am a believer in the last thing you did may have caused an issue .. more times than not I’ve found that to be a starting point.
  • there are six cables connecting to the positive posts; three cables to each positive post on each battery and one cable that connects from the negative posts tying both batteries together. i am/was really certain i reconnected them correctly (tied the three cables together labeling rear batt positive post, front batt positive post. placed the one negative post cable tying both batts together on the side labled neg posts. is there a simple means to ensure the cables are correctly attached? Hesitate to revist...
  • rgatijnet1 wrote:
    New batteries polarity connected wrong.
