The house has to fit your needs, living init, traveling in it. in a RV club with 200+ man-years experience spread over 30-40 members drifting through 30 year life of club, I don't think anyone has traded or sold a RV because of quality issues, they make their swaps because their choices don't fit their needs, their needs change, and some just would do something else than RV.
Specific features that work for one family don't work for another. I know what works for me. I need everything accessible without changing the configuration of the motorhome, that includes not having to move slideouts. That's because we lived in thing on the move, stopping in the middle of nowhere (or the center of a busy city) for lunches or potty breaks.
I like the shower being separate from the bathroom, and the dressing area being yet another space,so that people doing different things getting ready for the day have different places and can do them at the same time. If there is only place where everything gets done, one person at a time in sequence,it can take hours for agroup to get moving in the morning. OTOH if there is only one person, or if privacy/modesty are non-issues, this all matters less.
Slideouts are features. They make RVs roomier when camped, can cake them less usable when underway. Some people only use their RVs when camped for a while. Others want full use enroute. As one of the latter group, I don't think I will buy another RV forwhich slide outs reduce functionality when moving, or mean that getting up and getting ready slows down the process of getting under way,.
But you've decided you want a superslide, while I, with two slides, would rather nit have one at all. Different strokes for different folks.