Forum Discussion

lacofdfireman's avatar
May 11, 2014

What's involved to swap my Generac to Onan?

I have a Genarac in my Gas Georgtown 37ft Class A that is 6k Watt. My Brother in Law is selling an older Toyhauler and since he won't get any value out of his Onan 5500 Marquis Gold I was thinking about seeing if he would swap. My Generac seems to have issues once in awhile and seems harder for me to get parts for. Size wise they look the exact same. Is this something I could do myself as far as swapping one for the other or is it pretty involved? Like needs to be done at the dealership? Or is it not worth the trouble? I have always loved all the Onan 5500's I have owned. The Generac I don't really love.