If your front end goes up and down a lot on the open road due to an unavoidable improper load between the front and rear axle (too much in back, not enough up front) the front tires will develop a strange uneven wear called "scalloping". That creates symptoms of either a shimmy, improper wheel balance, or a cyclic vibration. The solution is buying new front tires, but it will just happen again.
Our rig has what I described to you. With 35,000 miles of such tire abuse, our scalloped front tires are pretty bad now. Before buying new front tires, I will experiment rotating the front tires with each other and see if any improvement is noticed. Reverse scalloping the tires will likely cause hell, but I am hoping it will cancel out the condition. It worked on our first rig, but our E350 chassis is very different from our old Toyota chassis.