Forum Discussion

Dougjpr's avatar
Apr 02, 2016

Wheel base and tag axles

We are researching upgrading to a DP. From my readings on wheelbase, the longer the wheelbase the more stable the coach will tend to be. How much stability does having a tag axle add to the coach? Looking at a model that has a 22" less wheel base than another, however the shorter wheelbase unit has a tag axle, the longer wheelbase model does not have a tag axle.

Have never driven either at this point, so I'm just looking for some input from those that have.


  • This is my limited experience:

    Our first MH was a 2000 Beaver Patriot, 43' overall, 34,000 lbs, no tag but the 8 airbag suspension. It was had excellent ride and handling and never was an issue except for a slight push from semi's and a bit susceptible to heavy winds but nothing to cause "white knuckles".

    Now we have a 2002 43' Beaver Marquis with a tag, 44' overall, 43,000 lbs, and 10 airbags. Yes, we lost a bit of storage with the tag but still have about the same as the 40'.

    Handling with the Marquis is just along down the road with no fald-er-all from wind, truck. or ??? Downside is the lack of speed sensation and you can easily find yourself well above the speed limit.

    IMHO, a good non-tag coach will be a pleasure to drive and certainly not having a tag wouldn't be a deal breaker. On the other hand a larger heavier coach with a tag is really great. Of course not all coaches will behave the same but, with the Beavers any of them are great.
  • Thanks for replies, it all makes perfect sense. Never thought of the tire thing (moving tag tires to front if needed)

    Narrowing our search down to a few different models.

    All are approx same length 40-42.

    The single 40' units are on a 276" wheel base, the 42's are 276"+ tag

    One of the 40' units is 254"+ tag.

    RV Consumer group rates units and wheel base is one of the things they rate on. Since the 40' unit with the tag has a shorter wheelbase they rate it as being less stable.

    I thought it odd as my thoughts were that the tag added some stability, but as I mentioned I have no experience driving coaches.

    For all the license police out there, I will be upgrading my current license to one that permits me to drive units with air brakes and weights over 24,000 lbs (which I believe are the restrictions on my current license here in Ontario), before we purchase any coach.

    Just gathering info at this point

    Thanks for replies, any other info is appreciated

  • DSDP Don summed it up perfectly.

    I will add that having the tag axle will also give you a set of tires to transfer to the front if needed.

    With our previous 42 ft. tag axle coach, I received a bad alignment once. I didn't realize it until 2,000 miles later. I was getting extensive wear along the inner edge on both front tires. The tires weren't ruined. I had a professional alignment done at TAFA (tire, axle, frame and alignment) in Nashville, TN. The best alignment I ever had and it lasted for years.

    Anyway, I was able to move the tag axle tires that looked brand new to the front. The other choice would have been to take a set of the dually's on one side and switch them to replace the front tires.

    The tag axle also helps against porpoising.

  • We went from a 2005 Monaco Diplomat 36' DP to a 40' DP with a tag. Newmar is the only coach manufacturer currently offering a 40' with a tag. There were certain things I wanted in a new coach, side radiator, tag axle, IFS and a few other items. I also wanted to stay at or under 40'. The Newmar Dutch Star fit the bill. My new 40' coach has pretty much the same wheelbase as my 36' DP did.

    I still get the longer chassis ride, but a better turning radius than my 36' DP because of a 60 degree wheel cut with the IFS. The tag axle makes the DP track straighter and handle better. It also adds more braking and carrying capacity.

    The downside to a short DP with a tag is you lose storage. My Dutch Star has about the same storage space as my 36' Diplomat did. Since mine is a 2014, it has a DEF motor. There is no storage from the rear wheels back with the DEF tank and engine batteries on one side and the side radiator on the other. Consequently, I have a huge cargo carrying capacity (weight wise), but would probably have to carry gold bars to reach it.
  • " How much stability does having a tag axle add to the coach?"

    There is no way to tell you how much a tag will add to the stability to the coach other than say that it will add "a lot"
  • We went from a 39' single axle to a 42' tag axle. Just my opinion, best move I've ever made. Much better ride, more stable, more fun to drive, etc...of course I paid the price also, much more expensive but at least I have what I have always wanted.
  • 42' is about the limit for no tag. The single axle will have a shorter wheelbase because the tag takes a lot of room and the distance is from front to drive axle. A tag gives greater stability in crosswinds, passing, possible greater carry and tow ability, etc. You get to buy 2 more tires also with a tag.