Schertz wrote:
Coated wheels?
Are you asking what "Coated" wheels are? If so, many of the Manufacturers of Alloy wheels, (aluminum ones) go through a process of either machining their wheels or, polishing them to a high luster and, then applying a "Coating" to them, as in the term, "Clear coat". It used to be just a semi-UV resistant Lacquer but, formulas have improved over the years to the point that Urethanes are the coating of choice. And, when a wheel is coated, it cannot be polished any more than it is, under the coating.
That is, unless one feels the need to go about removing the coating which, is one serious PAIN IN THE A$$. Anyway, my personal choice are wheels that are NOT COATED. I don't mind the time it takes to put a high luster on my wheels. As you can see in my pictures above.