Forum Discussion

_en_Plain_Air_'s avatar
Mar 29, 2014

When do 2015 units start appearing?

Eageraly awaiting new 2015 floor plans. Thor has released some 2015's - none work for us. Anyone know when other manufacturers will have new units?
  • Thanks Bob. I love that show. We go every year. This year is the 'buy' year. I have made a science of my learning curve. We know what we're after. Now ... a mfg needs to make it ! We WILL be on the road ... somehow someway by next spring.
  • 'morning W&H:

    Given your location in Maryland, you might want to consider going to the country's biggest RV show in Hershey PA in September. There you can compare and contrast the various RVs first-hand. You can look at floor plans, but also look at other things like build quality, storage, and interior materials. You can also purchase there if you wish (get there early in the week).

    Good luck and see ya down the road.
  • Thanks tatest. I'll be more patient. I do visit the manufacturers web sites looking for new 2015 floorplans. Maybe more will be posted over the next few months.
  • Many manufacturers will have shown what is really new for 2015 model year at the Louisville show late 2013, but those might be pre-production. Some production models would have made it to Tampa Supershow in January, and dealers in the southern part of the country are probably taking delivery of 2015 models now.

    Very few manufacturers are still producing 2014 model year this late, end of March. But the delivery pipeline is long, there are only so many transporters, so most dealers will be trying to push 2014 stock at you before you notice a 2015 on the lot and decide you don't want to ppay for last year's model.

    I remember stopping by Jayco on the way home from Michigan late March 2013, 2014 models were at the outdoor showroom, hundreds of new TTs in the yard awaiting transport, and I couldn't get a 2014 brochure because they were not yet back from the printer. Showed up in my mailbox two weeks later (a PDF in my email by the time I got home). Dealer didn't have what I wanted to see until early June.

    Be patient, you might be almost there.